The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption™

The Step-by-Step Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption More Affordable

Before I Tell You All About his Life-Changing Program,
Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For…

    • You are ready to take charge of your adoption journey and do everything you can to make it easier, faster, and more affordable. 
Whether You're

You are just starting your adoption journey and haven't decided that self-matching is right for you.

You have already decided that you will self-match your journey, but are unsure of the exact process to follow.

    Are working with an agency, attorney, or consultant AND are trying to self-match your adoption.

Worried about the total cost of your adoption and want to do everything in your power to make it as affordable as possible.

You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption will give you the step-by-step process you need to follow to make your dreams a reality on your budget!

Do you worry your adoption will cost $50,000 or more?

The adoption journey is full of overwhelm, uncertainty, and can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but it doesn't have to be that way.

This course gives you the step-by-step process of self-matching your adoption without spending the tens of thousands of dollars it costs to work with a private agency. 

By the end of this program, you will have:

Learned how to replicate the agency model without spending tens of thousands of dollars necessarily..

Created your adoption financial plan AND written the exact process you will follow achieve your budget.

Have a clear understanding of the adoption laws in your state and have the tools to pick the right adoption attorney for your family.

Learned how to form a deep and lasting relationship with an Expectant Mother and what  support resources she needs for her journey.

Determine what support resources you need for your adoption journey for you as the  hopeful adoptive parent.

    How to finalize the adoption and live life as an adoptive family.

Brittany Tabor

Adoptive Mom

This is an awesome resource! I think it is so helpful to anyone starting the process and not knowing how to begin. It really helps break down every single step and in such a comprehensible way!

What We Cover In The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption

This amazing course gives you the step-by-step process to reach your adoption dream.

Module 1: Becoming A Waiting Family

In This Module We Will:
  • Set the vision of what life is like at the end of this journey to keep you strong in the journey and to help you establish some guiding principles for your adoption journey.
  • Research the laws in your state, interview and ultimately select your adoption attorney.
  • Create your adoption financial plan by determining exactly how much you will need to budget and write the exact plan you will follow to reach your goal via The Adoption Financial Planner™
  • Learn how to prepare for your home study and ultimately become an home study approved family.

Module 2: Learn to Market Your Family

In This Module We Will:
  • Learn The Adoption Profile Creation Process™
  • Determine where you want to share your profile.
  • Access to a bonus training to teach you how to make your profile. 

Module 3: Wait For Baby

In This Module We Will:
  • Learn how to connect with an Expectant Mother and form a deep and lasing relationship. 
  • Determine what type of support resources both you and your Expectant Mother need for the journey ahead.
  • Learn The Steps To A Verified Self-Match Opportunity
  • How to prepare for hospital time as a hopeful adoptive mother.

Module 4: Becoming A Forever Family

In This Module We Will:
  • Learn the steps from birth to finalization..
  • Decide what post placement resources will be most beneficial to your family and your birth family.
  • Decide how you will share the journey with your children, family and friends.

Plus This Bonus To Ensure You Are Ready For the Journey

  • How To Prepare for Maternity Leave, Baby Showers and Birth Announcements

  • In this amazing bonus you will receive:
  • An amazing resource to walk you through preparing for an adoption maternity leave, with notice or not!
  • When to have baby showers, where to find adoption specific birth announcements and how to create an adoption registry.

Get The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption™

The Ultimate Guide To Self Matching Your Adoption

$197 USD

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  • Plus You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free 7 Day Guarantee

    • Let me say this upfront, The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption™ is the most comprehensive, step-by-step program that teaches you how to self-match your adoption. Not only do I have personal experience adopting two children through an agency where I learned the adoption process but I dozens of my clients have used this exact same process as well.  

    • Now Here is the kicker. By the end of these 7 days, you’ll have received access to the vision casting exercise. Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to get clear on your vision for your family and if self-matching is right for you BEFORE making a final commitment. Then after the 7 days you will get access to the entire course.

    • If you don’t feel totally confident that that self-matching is for you after completing the vision casting exercise then simply reach out, show us you've put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment, minus transaction fees for 10%.  

Still Thinking About It?
You should give The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption a 7 day risk-free shot if you're feeling any of the following

    • You want to save tens of thousands of dollars on your adoption journey.

        • You are not afraid to put in the hard work and follow the step-by-step process as outlined in the course.

          • You are lost when it comes to finding an expectant mother.

  • I personally cannot wait to meet you.

    • I struggled through my adoption journey alone, well except for google, and while google is helpful it can never replace real life experience.  There are some things that you can only learn from those that have gone before you.  That is why I started My Adoption Coach, because I don’t want another woman to struggle through the adoption process.  Every woman deserves support and the step-by-step process to accomplish her dreams.

    • If you’re struggling please don’t go it alone.  Please join us to get clear on your story and how to share it without all of the overwhelm and confusion.

    • Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that this program will be completely and utterly life changing for you and your family.

    • I look forward to meeting you personally inside The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption™.
    • Wishing You All The Best,
    • Amanda

Get The Ultimate Guide To Self-Matching Your Adoption™

The Ultimate Guide To Self Matching Your Adoption

$197 USD

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